Publicaciones (15) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Carcinomatosis peritoneal de origen colorrectal, problema ético hoy, un problema legal en el futuro

    Cirugia Espanola

  2. Clinical Challenges and Images in GI


  3. Clinical research: A primer of practical tips [1]

    Journal of Clinical Rheumatology

  4. Complete remission of subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma after allogeneic transplantation [1]

    Bone Marrow Transplantation

  5. Decreased levels of plasma BDNF in first-episode schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients

    Schizophrenia Research

  6. Discontinuation rate and factors predictive of the use of hydroxychloroquine in LUMINA, a multiethnic US cohort (LUMINA XL) [3]


  7. Eccrine squamous syringometaplasia in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus [5]

    Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

  8. Generalized pustular psoriasis precipitated by aceclofenac [23]

    Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

  9. Giant cell arteritis with pulmonary nodules [1]

    Medicina Clinica

  10. Hiperpigmentación de las falanges distales del lactante

    Anales de Pediatria

  11. Mantle cell lymphoma: From pathology and molecular pathogenesis to new therapeutic perspectives


  12. Neonatal Gorlin syndrome associated to hemimegalencephaly confirmed by genetic study [1]

    Revista de Neurologia

  13. Systemic lupus erythematosus in a multiethnic cohort (LUMINAXXXIX): Relationship between hormone replacement therapy and disease activity over time [2]


  14. Use of subcutaneous furosemide in terminal heart failure

    Medicina Paliativa

  15. Úlceras cutáneas zosteriformes asociadas al tratamiento con metotrexato
