Osakidetzako erakundea
Arabako Osasun Mentaleko Sarea
Argitalpenak (6) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak
A proposal to reduce the amount of permethrin entering wastewater resultant from topical use to treat scabies
Science of the Total Environment
Considering environmental impact of medicines in healthcare
The Science of the total environment
Inappropriate prescribing in older people: not only a patient safety issue but an avoidable source of environmental harm
Age and ageing
Incorporating the One Health philosophy into pharmacovigilanc: Pharmacovigilance
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Intranasal esketamine and manic symptoms: A disproportionality analysis in EudraVigilance
European Neuropsychopharmacology
The urgent need for designing greener drugs
Nature Sustainability