Necesidades de Tratamiento Periodontal en un colectivo de pacientes VIH (+) de Vizcaya

  1. M.A. Echevarría
  2. E. Ocina
  3. I. Jiménez
  4. L. Ribacoba
  5. M. Montejo
  6. J.M. Aguirre
Avances en periodoncia e implantología oral

ISSN: 1699-6585

Argitalpen urtea: 1997

Alea: 9

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 139-144

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Avances en periodoncia e implantología oral


Periodontal disease represents one of the most common oral alterations linked to HIV infection. This pathology has represented a lot of questions and polemical aspects. The purpose of the following study is to evaluate the periodontal treatment needs by CPITN and stablish the relationship with oral health and the immunologic state of each patient. We have studied a population of 75 HIV (+) patients in Vizcaya. 62.7% of the sample were male with a middle age of 32.25 years (s.d. 4.27). The results show that 8.9% needed no treatment (TNO), while 37.3% required motivation and instruction about oral hygiene (TNI). The need for calculus remotion (TNII) was recorded in 24% and only 2.7% needed complex periodontal treatment. Periodontal disease observed among HIV positive patients, appears to be more related to periodontal process parameters than to immunosupression caused by HIV as we could expect.