Factors influencing the immediate and late outcome of Cushing's disease treated by transsphenoidal surgery: A retrospective study by the European Cushing's Disease Survey Group

  1. Bochicchio, D.
  2. Losa, M.
  3. Buchfelder, M.
  4. Stevenaert, A.
  5. Beckers, A.
  6. Hagen, C.
  7. Bjerre, P.
  8. Kruse, A.
  9. Lindholm, J.
  10. Fahlbusch, R.
  11. Müller, O.A.
  12. von Werder, K.
  13. Ambrosi, B.
  14. Faglia, G.
  15. Giovanelli, M.
  16. Angeli, A.
  17. Maira, G.
  18. Pieters, G.F.F.M.
  19. Carvalho, D.
  20. Medina, J.L.
  21. Costa, C.
  22. Galvão Teles, A.
  23. Guerreiro, L.
  24. Ruas, M.
  25. Salcedo, I.
  26. Dolenc, V.
  27. Jezernik, M.
  28. Vázquez, J.A.
  29. Gaztambide, S.
  30. Webb, S.M.
  31. Halperin, I.
  32. Vilardell, E.
  33. Vidal, O.
  34. Sánchez-Franco, F.
  35. Astorga, R.
  36. Leal-Cerro, A.
  37. Garcia Luna, P.P.
  38. Torres, E.
  39. Thorén, M.
  40. Werner, S.
  41. Landolt, A.M.
  42. Atkinson, A.B.
  43. McCance, D.R.
  44. Gordon, D.S.
  45. Hadden, D.R.
  46. Kennedy, L.
  47. Scanlon, M.F.
  48. Cruickshanks, G.
  49. Teasdale, G.M.
  50. Erakutsi egile guztiak +
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

ISSN: 1945-7197 0021-972X

Argitalpen urtea: 1995

Alea: 80

Zenbakia: 11

Orrialdeak: 3114-3120

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1210/JCEM.80.11.7593411 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak