Best practice guidelines for the molecular genetic diagnosis of maturity-onset diabetes of the young

  1. Ellard, S.
  2. Bellanné-Chantelot, C.
  3. Hattersley, A.T.
  4. Carette, C.
  5. Castano Gonzalez L., null
  6. De Nanclares Leal G., null
  7. Elles, R.
  8. Gaspar, G.
  9. Gasperikova, D.
  10. Hansen, T.
  11. Herr, M.
  12. Kamarainen, O.
  13. Kannengiesser, C.
  14. Klimes, I.
  15. Lacape, G.
  16. Losekoot, M.
  17. Malecki, M.
  18. Meyer, P.
  19. Njolstad, P.
  20. Predragovic, T.
  21. Pruhova, S.
  22. Wuyts, W.

ISSN: 0012-186X

Argitalpen urtea: 2008

Alea: 51

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 546-553

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1007/S00125-008-0942-Y GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor