Conocimiento de las enfermeras de atención primaria de las lesiones cutáneas relacionadas con la dependenciaestudio multicéntrico

  1. Rebeca Garrido-García 1
  2. Francisco Pedro García-Fernández 2
  3. Pablo García-Molina 3
  4. César Rodríguez-Núñez 4
  1. 1 RN, PhD Candidate. Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital San Pedro de Logroño.
  2. 2 RN, PhD. Departamento de Enfermería, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Jaén.
  3. 3 RN, PhD. Departamento de Enfermería, Universidad de Valencia. Grupo Enfermero Investigación en Cuidados (INCLIVA
  4. 4 RN, PhD Candidate. Supervisor Unidad de Medicina Intensiva del Hospital de Txagorritxu
Enfermería Dermatológica

ISSN: 1888-3109 2386-4818

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Urtea: 14

Zenbakia: 39

Orrialdeak: 44-50

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.3739791 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enfermería Dermatológica

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


Objective: To determine the degree of knowledge pre-sented by Primary Care nurses according to the new classification-categorization of dependency-related inju-ries and assess the need for specific training on this framework and in what aspects. Methods: Design: cross-sectional descriptive observa-tional study. Location: Urban Health Centers of Primary Care of Osakidetza-Álava. Participants: The study popu-lation was the nursing staff working in the urban health centers. Main measurements: through a self-completed questionnaire during the month of May 2015. Results: Results: A response rate of 76.8% was obtained (126 questionnaires). Most were women (93.7%). The work experience was 23.1 years on aver-age. The degree of knowledge was medium level (64.6%), highlighting the low knowledge in the identifica-tion lesion and obtaining better results in the questions of a defining nature and the mechanism of production. Conclusions: The degree of knowledge that was obtained in the studied population was medium low. It is considered necessary to provide specific training on this new theoretical framework, with special emphasis on the identification of injuries