Signal Processing and machine learning contributions to rhythm analysis during cardiopulmonary resuscitation

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Elisabete Aramendi Ecenarro Doktormutter
  2. Unai Irusta Zarandona Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 03 von September von 2020

  1. Pablo Laguna Lasaosa Präsident/in
  2. Eva Navas Cordón Sekretär/in
  3. Irena Llieva Jekova Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 152752 DIALNET lock_openADDI editor


Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA ) is characterized by the sudden loss of the cardiac function, andcauses around 10% of the total mortality in developed countries. Survival from OHCA depends largelyon two factors: early defibrillation and early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The electrical shock isdelivered using a shock advice algorithm (SAA) implemented in defibrillators. Unfortunately, CPR mustbe stopped for a reliable SAA analysis because chest compressions introduce artefacts in the ECG. Theseinterruptions in CPR have an adverse effect on OHCA survival. Since the early 1990s, many efforts havebeen made to reliably analyze the rhythm during CPR. Strategies have mainly focused on adaptive filtersto suppress the CPR artefact followed by SAAs of commercial defibrillators. However, these solutionsdid not meet the American Heart Association¿s (AHA) accuracy requirements for shock/no-shockdecisions. A recent approach, which replaces the commercial SAA by machine learning classifiers, hasdemonstrated that a reliable rhythm analysis during CPR is possible. However, defibrillation is not theonly treatment needed during OHCA, and depending on the clinical context a finer rhythm classificationis needed. Indeed, an optimal OHCA scenario would allow the classification of the five cardiac arrestrhythm types that may be present during resuscitation. Unfortunately, multiclass classifiers that allow areliable rhythm analysis during CPR have not yet been demonstrated. On all of these studies artefactsoriginate from manual compressions delivered by rescuers. Mechanical compression devices, such as theLUCAS or the AutoPulse, are increasingly used in resuscitation. Thus, a reliable rhythm analysis duringmechanical CPR is becoming critical. Unfortunately, no AHA compliant algorithms have yet beendemonstrated during mechanical CPR. The focus of this thesis work is to provide new or improvedsolutions for rhythm analysis during CPR, including shock/no-shock decision during manual andmechanical CPR and multiclass classification during manual CPR. // Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA ) is characterized by the sudden loss of the cardiac function, andcauses around 10% of the total mortality in developed countries. Survival from OHCA depends largelyon two factors: early defibrillation and early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The electrical shock isdelivered using a shock advice algorithm (SAA) implemented in defibrillators. Unfortunately, CPR mustbe stopped for a reliable SAA analysis because chest compressions introduce artefacts in the ECG. Theseinterruptions in CPR have an adverse effect on OHCA survival. Since the early 1990s, many efforts havebeen made to reliably analyze the rhythm during CPR. Strategies have mainly focused on adaptive filtersto suppress the CPR artefact followed by SAAs of commercial defibrillators. However, these solutionsdid not meet the American Heart Association¿s (AHA) accuracy requirements for shock/no-shockdecisions. A recent approach, which replaces the commercial SAA by machine learning classifiers, hasdemonstrated that a reliable rhythm analysis during CPR is possible. However, defibrillation is not theonly treatment needed during OHCA, and depending on the clinical context a finer rhythm classificationis needed. Indeed, an optimal OHCA scenario would allow the classification of the five cardiac arrestrhythm types that may be present during resuscitation. Unfortunately, multiclass classifiers that allow areliable rhythm analysis during CPR have not yet been demonstrated. On all of these studies artefactsoriginate from manual compressions delivered by rescuers. Mechanical compression devices, such as theLUCAS or the AutoPulse, are increasingly used in resuscitation. Thus, a reliable rhythm analysis duringmechanical CPR is becoming critical. Unfortunately, no AHA compliant algorithms have yet beendemonstrated during mechanical CPR. The focus of this thesis work is to provide new or improvedsolutions for rhythm analysis during CPR, including shock/no-shock decision during manual andmechanical CPR and multiclass classification during manual CPR.