Tratamiento farmacológico en tiempos de incertidumbreuso de la hidroxicloroquina/cloroquina en el tratamiento de COVID-19

  1. Mayayo Vicente, S. 1
  2. F. Rodriguez Salvanés 1
  3. A. Gallego-Arenas 1
  4. L.M. Sánchez-Gómez 1
  5. M. Ruiz-López 1
  6. B. Sierra García 1
  7. A. Jurado-López 2
  8. Arriola Bolado, Paloma 2
  9. M. Cervera Cano 2
  10. B. Novella-Arribas 1
  1. 1 Instituto de Investigación Hospital Universitario de La Princesa. ISCIII, Madrid, España
  2. 2 Unidad de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias, Dirección General de Planes Integrados de Salud, Consejería de Sanidad, Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid, España
Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

ISSN: 1138-3593

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: COVID19 en Atención Primaria

Issue: 1

Pages: 20-27

Type: Article


More publications in: Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

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Background and objectives : In this moments, of extreme gravity in which we find ourselves, and in the uncertainty face about the most effective treatment against COVID-19 disease and with the aim of find the evidence that support the chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine use recommendation to treat COVID-19 disease, a systematic review of published studies and RCT studies publishes until April 28, 2020 was carried out. Material and methods A systematic search was carried out in PubMed with the keywords COVID-19 and their synonyms and hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine. The data selection and extraction was elaborated by two researchers, independently. The results were discussed with a Primary Care physicians clinical group and the results were synthesized using GRADE methodology. Results A good quality systematic review was found that includes articles with a high risk of bias. And 8 EC launched that will produce results beyond May 2020. Conclusions Although the conclusions of the systematic review generate a low confidence in the results, and the clinical variables that show benefit are intermediate variables, the side effects are acceptable and could be minimized with the use of QT lengthening risk tools, so it is could make a weak recommendation in favor of the use of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine in patients with mild-moderate stage COVID-19.

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