Análisis de la capacidad de repetir esprines y de la capacidad cardiovascular en jugadoras jóvenes de balonmano

  1. Estíbaliz Romaratezabala Aldasoro 1
  2. Javier Yanci Irigoyen 1
  3. Daniel Castillo Alvira 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco, España
Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos

ISSN: 1989-841X

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 30

Pages: 1-12

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos


The aims of the present study were, to describe the repeated sprint ability and the cardiovascular capacity in youth female handball players and, to analyze the association between these capabilities. Twelve female handball players participated in this study. Handball players spent a total time in repeated sprint ability (RSA) 15 m and 30 m of 22.99 ± 1.09 s and 42.21 ± 2.42 s, respectively. Besides, the fatigue index (RSA15mSdec and RSA30mSdec) was 1.04 ± 0.02 and 1.04 ± 0.01, respectively. Also, handball players covered 498.18 ± 136.66 m in Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 (YYIR1) and declared 5.63 ± 1.64 of perceived effort at the end of the test. There was no significant association between the distance covered in the YYIR1 or the subjective perceived effort with any of the RSA variables.

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