Metodologías activas para la enseñanza de habilidades comunicativas en el grado de medicina

  1. Sonia Ruiz de Azua 1
  2. Naiara Ozamiz Etxebarria 1
  3. Virginia Guillen 1
  4. Miren Agurtzane Ortiz Jauregui 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Lejona, España


IN-RED 2019: V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red
  1. Virginia Vega Carrero (coord.)
  2. Eduardo Vendrell Vidal (coord.)

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-9048-522-4

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 1247-1261

Congress: Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red (5. 2019. Valencia)

Type: Conference paper


Active methodologies are effective for teaching in the university environment and produce a greater and more lasting. Social skills and communications are essential in the health field to improve the doctor-patient relationship, offering a good environment and improving clinical care and satisfaction with the treatment received. In this work, active methodologies have been applied in the teaching of social and communicative skills of the degree of medicine. Various pedagogical techniques have been used as cooperative learning techniques (1,2,4), puzzle, case-based learning, flipped classroom, roleplaying, etc ... After these nine practical sessions you have more ability to face a patient .