IKD gazteautogestión, multidisciplinariedad y proyectos colaborativos para la adquisición del sentido de la iniciativa.

  1. Borja Luque
  2. Mikel Subiza Pérez
  3. Goiatz Irazábal Rodríguez
  4. Korta Maddi Suárez
  5. Oihane Calderón
La relación pedagógica en la universidad, lo transdisciplinar y los estudiantes.: Desdibujando fronteras, buscando puntos de encuentro
  1. J. Paredes Labra
  2. F. Hernández Hernández
  3. José Miguel Correa Gorospe

Publisher: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

ISBN: 978-84-695-8202-2

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 197-210

Type: Book chapter


The IKD GAZTE project's main purpose is to promote the empowerment of students in the process of implementing active learning methodologies at UPV/EHU, as part of the curriculum development model itself IKD (Ikaskuntza Kooperatibo eta Dinamikoa/Teaching-learning cooperative and dynamic). The main goal for the year 2012/2013 has been to develope Sense Initiative. It was the design and pilot implementation of a module for self-managed by students learning skills related to the direction of the Initiative. In this module students from different faculties and schools of UPV/EHU, conducted multidisciplinary projects that led to social services. After the pilot learning module, we can say that the students gained experience in conducting actual application projects. In turn, increased their motivation was to their own learning process and lived a meaningful learning experience. Finally, there was an increase in the initiative and proactivity of students, which leads us to conclude that, working on the basis of self-management, multidisciplinary and collaborative work favors the acquisition of Sense Initiative.