Reproducibilidad de las variables espacio-temporales y de los componentes de la fuerza de reacción del suelo en la marcha con botas de bombero

  1. Cámara Tobalina, Jesús
  2. Martínez de Santos Gorostiaga, Raúl
  3. Gavilanes Miranda, Begoña
Journal: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte

ISSN: 1885-7019

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 6

Issue: 3

Pages: 141-153

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte


The aim of this study is to analyze the reproducibility of the spatio-temporal variables and the ground reaction forces (GRF) when walking with fire fighting boots in comparison to walking with low calf shoes. Spatio-temporal parameters and the variables related to the three components of the GRF of 39 people were recorded under two different walking conditions. A T-test to contrast the difference between the coefficients of variation (CV) in both conditions was used. The CV of the spatio-temporal variables (i.e velocity (V), condition I = 2.01%; condition II = 1.81%), of the vertical (i.e. contact force (FZA) of the left foot, condition I = 2.54%; condition II = 2.73%) and of the antero-posterior GRF (i.e. maximum force (FXMAX) of the left foot, condition I = 4.47%; condition II = 4.59%) was lower than 12.5%, suggesting that these variables could be used to analyze the influence of fire fighting boots on the gait. However, the low reproducibility showed by medium-lateral parameters does not allow to use them. Apart from the bipodal phase no differences were found between the two walking conditions.

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