Análisis de las instrucciones de la reanimación cardiopulmonar guiada por teléfono en paradas cardiacas extrahospitalarias atendidas por ciudadanos

  1. S. Ballesteros-Peña
  2. I. Fernández-Aedo
  3. G. Vallejo-De la Hoz
  4. A. Etayo-Sancho
  5. A. Alonso-Pinillos
Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra

ISSN: 1137-6627

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 43

Issue: 2

Pages: 203-207

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra


Randomized simulation trial to analyze dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation instructions provided from the emergency call center in an out-of-hospital heart arrest assisted by lay persons. An analysis of the telephone instructions was performed using a 14-item checklist by two external researchers. Simulations lasted nine minutes. Twenty-one volunteers were enrolled. All of them started resuscitation maneuvers. Telephone instructions were verbalized in very heterogeneous ways. Half of the indicators exceeded 90% compliance. Frequently the recommendation of push hard and fast on the patient’s chest was omitted and the dispatcher tended to mark a slower compression rate. The average time from the call to the start of the resuscitation was 3 min 33 s (SD: 1 min 7 s). The telephone instructions were verbalized in a very heterogeneous way. It is necessary to standardize and provide training in how to guide a dispatcher-assisted resuscitation.

Funding information

Sendoa Ballesteros-Peña Unidad de Docencia e Investigación en Enfermería Hospital de Basurto Av. Montevideo, 18 48013 Bilbao (Bizkaia, España) E-mail: Financing. This paper has received funding from the Bilbao-Basurto Integrated Health Organization (Osakidetza – Basque Healthcare Service).


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