Eficiencia de un apósito innovador en la cura de heridasreducción de la frecuencia de cambio y del coste semanal por paciente

  1. Verónica Tiscar González 1
  2. María José Menor Rodríguez 2
  3. Carlos Rabadán Sainz 3
  4. Mercedes Fraile Bravo 4
  5. Tim Styche 5
  6. Francisco José Valenzuela Ocaña
  7. Leticia Muñoz García
  1. 1 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Bioaraba

    Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Bioaraba

    Vitoria, España

  2. 2 Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS). Orense. España
  3. 3 Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, Valencia,
  4. 4 Coordinadora de cuidados, Servicio Extremeño de Salud (SES), Mérida, España
  5. 5 Healthcare Economics Manager. Smith+Nephew. Hull. Inglaterra.
Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica

ISSN: 1134-928X

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 31

Issue: 0

Pages: 2-11

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S1134-928X2020000400001 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica


ABSTRACT Objectives: To assess the impact on the dressing change frequency and cost of wound management of using a hydrocellular foam dressing with change indicator and exudate masking layer, and to evaluate the patient’s satisfaction and nurse’s opinion of the study dressing versus previous treatments. Methods: Observational, ambispective, multicenter study conducted in primary care and social health care, in four regions of Spain. Patients with acute or chronic exuding wounds, in which previous dressings were to be replaced by the study dressing (ALLEVYN Life) according to usual clinical practice, participated. In each region, wound characteristics (evolution period, location, previous dressings, wound area), dressing change frequency, weekly cost per patient (dressings used and nursing time spent), patient satisfaction and nursing staff opinion were collected and analysed. Results: A total of 128 wounds were included (Galicia: 29; Basque Country: 30; Extremadura: 25; and Valencia: 44). After four weeks of use of the study dressing the frequency of change (29-58%) and the weekly cost per patient were significantly reduced (dressings used: 11-61%; dressings + nursing time: 27-59%). In most regions, the area reduction was more than 30%. The overall patient satisfaction with the study dressing was improved, being good or very good in 60-78% of cases. In all regions, nurses considered ALLEVYN Life dressings superior in overall performance, indication of change adequacy and exudate masking. Conclusions: The use of the dressing with change indicator and masking layer decreased the frequency of dressing changes, allowing for longer intervals between visits and reducing associated costs. At the same time, they improve the opinion of the nursing staff, and increased patient satisfaction.

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