Efectividad del autocontrol de la glucemia en sangre para la mejora de la educación en diabéticos tipo 2 no insulinodependientes.

  1. Gutiérrez Bartolomé, Nerea
  2. Cristóbal Domínguez, Estíbaliz
  3. Martín, David Miguel
NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

ISSN: 1697-218X

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 69

Type: Article

More publications in: NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería


Diabetes is a major chronic diseases in our society that their incidence is increasing at the expense of increased type 2 diabetes diagnoses. People with this condition need an educational background in this condition and its management based on empowerment for making responsible and independent. Objective: To determine whether group training focused on the patient and accompanied by self-blood glucose led to the empowerment achieved better results as those achieved through the same education in the absence of self-blood glucose and practice. Design and setting: Cluster sampling community experimental study conducted in 6 health centers (2 control groups, 2 of empowerment intervention sessions and 2 empowerment intervention with the use of self-blood glucose) belonging to Basque Health Service. Intervention: Intervention Group 1: receive group sessions centered on the patient which will address different aspects of pathology. Intervention Group 2: get past the group sessions that accompany the use and teaching of management self-blood glucose. Control Group: You will receive usual care. Analysis: We compared the results for each group of test results story of self-efficacy, disease control and quality of life in 3 different times during the study.