Análisis comparativo de la prescripcion y consumo de sueros en un hospital general

  1. Raquel Cobos Campos
  2. M. C. Obaldia Alaña
  3. M.A. Mur Lalaguna
  4. Jara Gallardo Anciano
  5. M.L. Sánchez Gregorio
Atención Farmacéutica

ISSN: 1139-7357

Año de publicación: 2004

Volumen: 6

Número: 3

Páginas: 214-220

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Atención Farmacéutica


Objective: To analyze and to compare the prescription and the consumption of large volume intravenous solutions (LVIS) in a general hospital, with the purpose of increasing the use of 1000 ml volume. Material and Methods: The prescriptions of LVIS were analyzed based on the medical orders received by the Pharmacy Service from September 9th to October 9th, 2002, for collecting data to obtain information about the volume and type of intravenous solution. Also, the serum consumption during the same period was analyzed, by obtaining data from the software program Farmasyst®. Results: After reviewing 5502 medical orders, 1239 (22.5%) of them included an LVIS prescription. The percentage of prescription of 500 ml serums was 8.79% and that of 1000 ml serums was 91.20%; however, the highest consumption corresponded to 500 ml serums (87.36%) compared to the 12.63% consumption of 1000 ml serum therapy. Conclusions: Although 1000 ml serum therapy patterns were more frequently prescribed, those of 500 ml were consumed with preference. This practice increases the risk of infecting the patient due to the larger number of manipulations in the IV route by Healthcare staff. Furthermore, the larger consumption of 1000 ml IV solutions were related with the units with a guidelines of its use