Cuestionario sobre conocimientos y actitud de enfermería ante la parada cardiorrespiratoria. Creación y grupo piloto

  1. Verónica Tíscar González
  2. Garrastatxu Landaluze Okeranza
  3. Ascensión Rodríguez Molinuevo
  4. María Teresa Valtierra Aragón
  5. Itziar Larrea Arechabaleta
NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

ISSN: 1697-218X

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 77

Type: Article

More publications in: NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería


Objective. Design a questionnaire designed to assess the knowledge of nurses on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and to assess their attitude in a cardiorespiratory arrest. Method. A descriptive study (first stage for a questionnaire valida-tion).The first draft is based on the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) 2010 recommendations, our profession legal and ethical recommendations in our country, taking into consideration the results of other researches on the subject. Triangulation between the principal investigator and an expert in questionnaire validation is performed. After that, the draft questionnaire is subjected to three Delphi technique rounds by experts.The questionnaire obtained was applied to 30 nurses in the pilot study. Results. The study main result is the creation of a questionnaire collecting the 33 items (questions) in three dimensions; knowledge, attitude and socio demographic data. Internal consistency measured by the Cronbach ́s alpha is 0,644, close to the 0,7. In the attitude dimension there are 5 floor-ceiling effect items. The properties evaluated in the pilot group are “indicators” that should generate some modifications of the aspects-items of the questionnaire emerged from the Delphi process. So we need to make some reflections about those items, and, maybe, refine the results obtained once the questionnaire is distributed to the entire study population. Conclusions. The questionnaire feasibility is optimal, being a user-friendly and rapid administration (about 10 minutes) instrument. It ́s well accepted by nurses, and it has acceptable psychometric results analyzing each dimensions both individually and glo-bally. However 5 of the items englobed in the attitude section, requires further reflection and maybe new modifications