Prescripción Electrónica Asistida (PEA)Innovación Hecha Realidad en Todos los Hospitales de Osakidetza

  1. Ogueta Lana, Mikel
  2. Madrid Conde, Maite
  3. Prieto Blanco, María
  4. Mentxaka Atxalandabaso, Gorka
  5. Lertxundi Etxebarria, Unax
  6. Sánchez Bernal, Rafael

ISSN: 1698-7969

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 7

Issue: 26

Type: Article

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Drug adverse reactions are frequent and clinically relevant. This way, physician traditional handwriting order entry is a weak point on the management of medication. There is growing evidence that computerized physician order entry (CPOE) is one of the main actions to carry out in order to prevent medication errors. Along 2010, in Osakidetza, the implementation of an ePrescribing system has been set up successfully, thanks to a global strategy involving all the collectives that are related to medication management. Implementing, design and spread of the ePrescribing system, due to the collaboration of pharmacists, informatics, nurses and doctors, has always kept corporative and has integrated different working ways along all the underta king centres. Therefore, the main strength in this implementation is that is has been approached as a collective project that brings people from different professions together, and furthermore, the remaining of patient as the backbone of the whole process. Besides, despite the successfully implementation, there is still a long way trough to improve patient safety.