Cambios en la calidad de vida de personas en tratamiento con quimioterapia adyuvante ambulatoria

  1. Ainhoa Ulibarri Ochoa
  2. Iraurgi Castillo, Ioseba
  3. Ruiz de Alegría Fernández de Retana, Begoña
  4. Galego, Vanesa
  5. Sanz Osés, Pilar
  6. Hernández Santos, Mª Esther
  7. Peña Tejera, Carlos
  8. Ugartemendia Ibarbia, Gurutze
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Ausgabe: 18

Nummer: 7

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Metas de enfermería


Objectives: to understand the evolution of quality of life associated with the health of cancer patients during treatment with outpatient adjuvant systemic chemotherapy, and to compare it with the overall population. Method: an observational multicentre longitudinal study applying the SF-12v2 survey on a sample of 247 patients with cancer between 28 and 70-years-of age (initial measurement on their 2nd chemotherapy cycle; second measurement at their last cycle). The Student’s t test for independent data was used for comparison with the overall population, and the Student’s t test for associated data was used for the comparison between both measurements. For all comparisons, the effect size was calculated based on Cohen’s d measurement. Results: 234 persons completed the study. There was a worsening in all SF-12 dimensions. All differences were statistically significant, except for vitality and pain; there was a noticeable worsening in physical function (t= 8.07; p< 0.001; d= 0.55). When compared with the overall population, there were statistically significant differences in all dimensions, except for pain. Worsening was higher when compared with patients at the end of their treatment in the Physical Component Summary (t= 14.4; p< 0.001; d= 0.96) and in the Mental Summary Component (t= 3.2; p< 0.002; d= 0.21). Conclusions: those persons with outpatient chemotherapy will have a worsening in their perception of quality of life at the end of their treatment, and they will perceive a worse quality of life than the overall population in physical dimensions, and to a lower extent in the quality of life of emotional aspects.

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