Impact of glucocorticoids on the incidence of lupus-related major organ damage: A systematic literature review and meta-regression analysis of longitudinal observational studies

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  2. Mak, A.
  3. Leong, J.
  4. Dharmadhikari, B.
  5. Kow, N.Y.
  6. Reátegui-Sokolova, C.
  7. Elera-Fitzcarrald, C.
  8. Aranow, C.
  9. Arnaud, L.
  10. Askanase, A.D.
  11. Bae, S.-C.
  12. Bernatsky, S.
  13. Bruce, I.N.
  14. Buyon, J.
  15. Costedoat-Chalumeau, N.
  16. Dooley, M.A.
  17. Fortin, P.R.
  18. Ginzler, E.M.
  19. Gladman, D.D.
  20. Hanly, J.
  21. Inanc, M.
  22. Isenberg, D.
  23. Jacobsen, S.
  24. James, J.A.
  25. Jönsen, A.
  26. Kalunian, K.
  27. Kamen, D.L.
  28. Lim, S.S.
  29. Morand, E.
  30. Mosca, M.
  31. Peschken, C.
  32. Pons-Estel, B.A.
  33. Rahman, A.
  34. Ramsey-Goldman, R.
  35. Reynolds, J.
  36. Romero-Diaz, J.
  37. Ruiz-Irastorza, G.
  38. Sánchez-Guerrero, J.
  39. Svenungsson, E.
  40. Urowitz, M.
  41. Vinet, E.
  42. Van Vollenhoven, R.F.
  43. Voskuyl, A.
  44. Wallace, D.J.
  45. Petri, M.A.
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  47. Clarke, A.E.
  48. Cheung, M.
  49. Farewell, V.
  50. Alarcon, G.S.
  51. Erakutsi egile guztiak +
Lupus Science and Medicine

ISSN: 2053-8790

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 8

Zenbakia: 1

Mota: Berrikuspena

DOI: 10.1136/LUPUS-2021-000590 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak