Monitorización de pacientes alérgicos a través de la consulta de preanestesia

  1. Amaia Santos Ibáñez
  2. I. Santos Diez
  3. Lorea Arteche Eguizabal
  4. B. Balzola Regout
  5. Laura Pérez Roncero
Atención Farmacéutica

ISSN: 1139-7357

Año de publicación: 2004

Volumen: 6

Número: 1

Páginas: 64-68

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Atención Farmacéutica


Objective: To monitor patients allergic to medication that would undergo surgical intervention by means of an allergy data gathering by a preanesthesia consultation. Methods: The recorded allergies on the preanesthesia sheets were entered daily in the allergic patient database from the pharmacy services. By means of a computerized system, it was obtained a printout listing of surgical patients that presented medicamentosus allergies along with their prescribed medication. In case of detecting any possibility of allergic reaction, a report was sent to the operating room. Results: Within the period of study (11/27/02 - 5/23/03), 20 reports were sent to the operating room, which supposed 0.42 reports/100 surgical interventions. In a previous period (11/6/00 - 11/26/02), there had been sent 0.11 reports/100 interventions. Thus, the number of reports/100 surgical interventions increased by 282%. Conclusions: The allergy data gathering by the preanesthesia consultation allowed for an improvement on the efficacy of the monitoring system for surgical patients