Programa de cribado de hipoacusia neonatalrevisión sistemática de estudios de evaluación económica y análisis descriptivo de los programas de las CC.AA.
Verlag: Servicio Central de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia ; Gobierno Vasco = Eusko Jaurlaritza ; Ministerio de Sanidad
Datum der Publikation: 2020
Art: Buch
The aim of this document is to provide the information necessary for decision making to advance in the specification and standardisation of neonatal hearing screening programmes in Spain. The specific objectives are: 1. to review the economic evidence of the different strategies used for the detection of neonatal hearing in the population screening of neonatal hearing. 2. to analyse the various different protocols used in neonatal hearing screening programmes in autonomous regions and cities in Spain.