Periodontitis crónica del adulto y alteraciones inmunitarias

  1. J. Muñoz Sánchez
  2. J. López López
  3. A. Domingo
  4. N. Crespo
  5. X. Roselló
  6. E. Jané
Anales de Odontoestomatología

ISSN: 1134-3605

Year of publication: 1996

Volume: 3

Issue: 1

Pages: 45-50

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de Odontoestomatología


lt is widely said in writing studies that inmunitary alterations are connected with periodontal disease. However, their exact nature and their implications are not so clear. On the other hand, using flow citometry has mode possible an important advance in biomedical investigation techniques and, in the case we are dealing with, it has made possible to determine different monoclonal markers in the lymphocyte ce/fular fine. We study monoclonal markers (C04, C08, CD3 and C019) in 15 patients affected with advance periodontitis. The results we get are within norma/ ity ratio. In conclusion: Although we have not got significant data, we think the sampling is small; it would be useful to do wider studies and, if possib/e, ata local leve/. However, we considerar an innovation the study of monoclonal antibodies related to periodontal disease, data we have not found in tormer writing studies.