Cribado prenatal del síndrome de Downdiciembre 2006

  1. López de Argumedo, Marta
  2. Egües Olazábal, N.
  3. Lapuente Troncoso, J. N.

Verlag: Servicio Central de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia ; Gobierno Vasco = Eusko Jaurlaritza

ISBN: 978-84-457-2579-5

Datum der Publikation: 2007

Art: Buch


There is sufficient good-quality evidence to demonstrate that the highest-performing tests are the Integrated Test and Integrated Serum Test. These involve detection rates of over 75% with false-positive rates of around 1%. There are other alternatives with similar detection levels, but with higher false-positive rates. In accordance with the analyzed studies women prefer screening tests that reduce the period of uncertainty and provide early detection. The tests that offer the highest levels of effectiveness and reliability (Integrated and Integrated Serum Tests) do not comply with this requirement as screening tests are not issued until the 2nd trimester tests have been completed. A high percentage of high-risk women insist on having a reliable diagnosis. According to our analysis, the most cost-effective strategy is the Two Stage Strategy in the 1st trimester, followed by the Integrated Test and the Combined Test, which offer similar cost effectiveness values.