Protocolo de seguimiento del tratamiento inmunosupresor en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes

  1. Bohórquez Heras, Cristina
  2. Movasat, A.
  3. Cuende Quintana, Eduardo
  4. Pérez Gómez, A.
Medicine: Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado

ISSN: 0304-5412

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Zenbakien izenburua: Enfermedades del sistema inmune (VI): vasculitis y miopatías inflamatorias

Saila: 11

Zenbakia: 33

Orrialdeak: 2056-2060

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/S0304-5412(13)70578-X DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Medicine: Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


Once immunosuppressive treatment regimen for a patient with a systemic autoimmune disease, one must be aware of the serious side effects that may occur, and properly monitor each drug. In this protocol were the top immunomodulatory drugs and its most important features, indicating how the proper control of them in monitoring these patients. These drugs have been divided into two major groups, the glucocorticoids, with a significant anti-inflammatory effect but also immunosuppressive and disease modifying drugs, able to change its course through mechanisms not always well known, and to produce a powerful immunosuppression. Each of them has certain peculiarities that must be known.