Protocolo diagnóstico y terapéutico de las alteraciones de la hemostasia en el embarazo

  1. Sierra Aisa, C.
  2. Moretó Quintana, A.
  3. Iruín Irulegui, G.
  4. Martín Martitegui, X.
  5. García-Ruiz, J.C.
Medicine: Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado

ISSN: 0304-5412

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Saila: 12

Zenbakia: 22

Orrialdeak: 1293-1298

Mota: Artikulua


Beste argitalpen batzuk: Medicine: Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


Abstract Introduction Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in developed countries. On the other hand, women with congenital bleeding disorders during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum often have an increased risk of bleeding. Thrombosis and pregnancy The diagnosis of VTE during pregnancy can be a challenge because many of its symptoms can occur associated with a normal pregnancy. Low molecular weight heparins are the treatment of choice for ETV that occurs during this period. Congenital coagulopathies and gestation Sometimes postpartum hemorrhage is the first manifestation of a congenital coagulopathy, usually Von Willebrand disease, since other coagulopathies are rare entities.

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