Report on the development of the GuNFT guideline "Guideline for not funding existing health technologies in health care systems"

  1. Ibargoyen-Roteta, Nora
  2. Gutiérrez-Ibarluzea, Iñaki
  3. Ausa, José

Verlag: Servicio Central de Publicaciones = Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia ; Gobierno Vasco = Eusko Jaurlaritza

ISBN: 978-84-457-3016-4

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Art: Buch


The «Nominal Group» technique was used to determine the most relevant aspects to be taken into consideration regarding disinvestment decision making. For this purpose, 10 prominent experts working in different areas related to health care delivery, administration and technology assessment were selected. Eight questions related to technological disinvestment were presented to the group, and proposed ideas were discussed by teleconference. For each question, each member selected a maximum of 10 ideas that he or she considered to be the most important, ranking these on a escale of 1 (less important) to 10 (most important). The ideas with the highest consensus were those receiving at least five votes with six or more points.