Interactive effects of metal combinations andconcentration levels in the uptake of cadmiumand zinc by the yeast

  1. M. Cristina Romero
  2. M. Inés Urrutia
  3. S. Córdoba
  4. Hugo Reynoso
EMA Estadística medio ambiental: Conferencia Internacional de Estadística en Estudios Medioambientales. 21, 22 y 23 de noviembre de 2021, Cádiz, España

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Cádiz

ISBN: 84-7786-948-0

Year of publication: 2001

Pages: 153-156

Type: Book chapter


Many microorganisms are capablc of scquestcring hcavy mctals fromthc cnvironment; whilc many researchcs had studied the uptake of only onc ion, fcw had lcad with multimetal systems. In D. Occidentalis cultures, thc cadmium and zinc uptakc kinctics of the experimentally obtained values anda m athcmatical model profilcs wcrc dcscribed. Undcr different conditions, thc modcl showcd a significant agreement with tbc experimental resulta.