Cáncer colorrectal

  1. Beatriz Nafría Jiménez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Zaragoza

    Universidad de Zaragoza

    Zaragoza, España

    ROR https://ror.org/012a91z28


ISSN: 2603-9680 2605-0110

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 5

Issue: 56

Pages: 4-29

Type: Article

More publications in: NPunto


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a malignant tumour that appears in the colon and rectum, from lesions called polyps. Some polyps (adenomatous) are premalignant lesions that can transform over the years into cancer. These premalignant lesions and early CRC are characterized by intermittent inappreciable blood loss in the stool, which can be detected with laboratory tests before the patient have clinical manifestations, which allows early detection. CRC does not usually present symptoms until it is in an advanced stage, hence the importance of early diagnosis and population screening programs. However, the symptoms that have been identified as the most common are: changes in bowel habits, digestive bleeding and abdominal pain. CRC is a global public health problem, especially in the most developed countries, and represents the first positions in both incidence and mortality. Risk factors include age (>50 years), diet, as well as family history. The usual treatment is the removal of these lesions, thus preventing them from progressing to cancer and/or treating it, if CRC already exists, with adjuvant chemoradiation therapy.

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