Psoriasiazer da eta nola trata dezakegu?

  1. Ulacia Epelde, Leire 1
  2. Lizardi Mutuberria, Aitziber 2
  3. Garcia de Andoin Barandiara, Miren Josune 1
  4. Umerez Igartua, Maitane 3
  5. Landa Alberdi, June 1
  6. Leunda Eizmendi, Larraitz 1
  7. Urretavizcaya Anton, Mikel 4
  8. Beristain Aramendi, Idoia 1
  9. Ercilla Liceaga, Miren 3
  1. 1 OSI Donostialdea
  2. 2 Elizondoko Lanbide Eskola
  3. 3 Mendaro Ospitaleko Farmazia Zerbitzua
  4. 4 Onkologikoa Fundazioko Farmazia Zerbitzua
Osagaiz: osasun-zientzien aldizkaria

ISSN: 2530-9412

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 7

Issue: 1

Pages: 48-53

Type: Article

More publications in: Osagaiz: osasun-zientzien aldizkaria


Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic recurrent disease with mainly cutaneous manifestations. Although it manifests itself in a mild way in most patients, it can cause physical, social, or psychological disability in some people, having a significant impact on the quality of their lives. There have been important advances in the treatment of psoriasis in the last years, specially in the field of biologic therapies. New highly effective treatments targeting different intermediaries involved on the onset of psoriasis have been developed, but psoriasis still remains an incurable disease.