Dose-response association of physical activity with acute myocardial infarction: Do amount and intensity matter?

  1. Elosua, R.
  2. Redondo, A.
  3. Segura, A.
  4. Fiol, M.
  5. Aldasoro, E.
  6. Vega, G.
  7. Forteza, J.
  8. Martí, H.
  9. Arteagoitia, J.M.
  10. Marrugat, J.
Preventive Medicine

ISSN: 0091-7435 1096-0260

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 57

Zenbakia: 5

Orrialdeak: 567-572

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.YPMED.2013.07.022 GOOGLE SCHOLAR