Introducción de la penicilina en Bizkaia por el puerto de Bilbao

  1. Gondra-Rezola, Juan 12
  2. Garaizar-Candina, Javier 13
  3. Aramburu-Araluce, Enrique 14
  1. 1 Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Bilbao (ACMB). Bilbao, España.
  2. 2 Museo Vasco de la Historia de la Medicina y de las Ciencias. Leioa, España.
  3. 3 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea (UPV/EHU). Vitoria-Gasteiz, España.
  4. 4 Farmacia Museo Aramburu. Plentzia, España.
Gaceta médica de Bilbao: Revista oficial de la Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Bilbao. Información para profesionales sanitarios

ISSN: 0304-4858 2173-2302

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 120

Issue: 3

Pages: 143-150

Type: Article

More publications in: Gaceta médica de Bilbao: Revista oficial de la Academia de Ciencias Médicas de Bilbao. Información para profesionales sanitarios


Objectives: To advance in the knowledge of the introduction of penicillin in Bizkaia, firstly, through the study of a regular and irregular market in the ports of Bilbao and Santurtzi, and later by analyzing the first prescriptions and legal dispensations.Methods: We have used both primary and secondary sources. In the first case, we rely on oral testimonies, in the files of the consignee Pérez y Cía. and the Aramburu Museum Pharmacy in Plentzia and in the minutes of the Bizkaia Medical and Pharmaceutical Colleges, and the Vizcaino Pharmaceutical Center. In the second case, by the abundant newspaper library and the works published in the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Alcalá.Results: The bulk of Spanish imports of penicillin from the US arrived by sea at the port of Bilbao. From there, it was sent to Madrid for distribution to the rest of the state. In Bizkaia, the first supplies of penicillin were made through the Civil Government. Subsequently, this task was entrusted to the Official College of Pharmacists of Vizcaya first and to the Vizcaya pharmacies later. An irregular supply of penicillin was also detected in the docks of the ports of Bilbao and Santurtzi.Conclusions: The ships of the Spanish Transatlantic Company unloaded a large amount of official penicillin in Bizkaia, and irregular penicillin from the US. In this sense, it seems that Bizkaia was lucky because the antibiotic was on the docks waiting for anyone who wanted to buy it. It does not appear that there were large-scale organized mafias for the illegal sale of penicillin.

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