Sobre los efectos morales de los fármacos

  1. Medrano, Juan
Folia Humanística

ISSN: 2462-2753

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Folia Humanística Número 3 - mayo-junio 2016

Issue: 3

Pages: 17-26

Type: Article

More publications in: Folia Humanística


If moral feelings are considered the basement of ethical behaviour .... wouldn’t it be reasonable to say that drugs which are able to modify these feelings are modifying us as individuals, too? Is it not possible to think that these drugs makes us better or worse as persons? In this paper we expand some arguments from a previous work by Levy and colleagues about some of these drugs, -of common and widespread use – and we arise some challenging questions concerning freedom and dignity.

Bibliographic References

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