Maastricht. Monitorización Acumulativa de las Necesidades y modelo holandés de Tratamiento Asertivo ComunitarioImplicaciones para el programa GAZTE.

  1. Irurzun Palacios, Juan Carlos
  2. Martín, Leire
  3. Bastida, Maite
Norte de Salud Mental

ISSN: 1578-4940

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Ausgabe: 9

Nummer: 41

Seiten: 31-37

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Norte de Salud Mental


Here we present the ideas developed in Maastricht (Netherland) in the field of care of people with Severe Mental Disorder. The �cumulative needs for care monitor� for assessment and the �function or flexible assertive community treatment� as a way to organize assistance are the main points. We also highlight the importance of monitoring the physical health and propose some considerations on the application of these ideas to our setting.

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