Vía intraósea, alternativa a la vía periférica

  1. Sandra Onrubia Calvo 1
  2. Ainara Carpio Coloma 1
  3. Amaia Hidalgo Murillo 1
  4. Naiara Lago Díaz 1
  5. Gorane Muñoz Kaltzakorta 1
  6. Irene Periáñez Serna 1
  1. 1 Hospital Galdakao–Usansolo (HGU). Osakidetza. (Galdakao-Bizkaia-España)
Nuberos científica

ISSN: 2173-822X

Année de publication: 2012

Volumen: 1

Número: 6

Pages: 24-29

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Nuberos científica


Intraosseous vascular access is considered an alternative to the peripheral access in the standards published in 2005 of the ERC (European Resuscitation Council) within the sequence of Advanced Life Support. To analyze scientific literature related to the use of Intraosseous access in vital emergency situation. To highlight the growing importance to the nursing in use of the Intraosseous access in critical patient´s care. To establish nursing’s cares according to the conceptual framework of nursing methodology. Most of the nursing and medical scientific literature related to intraosseous vascular access between 1922 and 2009 has been reviewed. The search was made in the following databases: Cinhal, Uptodate, Doyma, Scielo, Google académico, Cochrane, Pubmed. The intraosseous route provides a rapid, effective and access to vascular system. It is indicated in emergency situation when to achieve intravenous access is delayed or impossible. The most suitable site of insertion is in the distal and proximal tibia. It allows the administration of fluids, electrolytes and medications, as well as the intravenous access does. There are few contraindications and complications, being the compartment syndrome the most severe. In addition to being an alternative route for the delivery of products and drugs into the bloodstream, it is an access to the vascular system for obtaining blood samples for laboratory analysis. The intraosseous route is a quick and temporary intravascular access. It is technique that is easily learned, and a skill that is easily retained. It has few serious complications. Systematic study of this technique would improve the scientific evidence on the intraosseous infusion.

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