Evaluación de la implantación de la guía de buenas prácticas de acceso vascular en el Host Regional Euskadi de Osakidetza-Servicio Vasco de Saludestudio descriptivo de proceso

  1. Cidoncha-Moreno, Maria Angeles 1
  2. Garate-Echenique, Lucía 1
  3. Moro-Casuso, Inmaculada 1
  1. 1 Osakidetza-Servicio Vasco de Salud

ISSN: 2382-4603 0123-7047

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: (2023) August - November 2023 Advance Edition: Mental Health, Evidence-Based Nursing, Practice Guideline

Volume: 26

Issue: 2

Pages: 200-212

Type: Article

DOI: 10.29375/01237047.4631 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: MedUNAB


Introduction: Practitioners are to use research findings in practice. RNAO guidelines facilitate the transfer of evidence. The Vascular Access guideline is implemented in 5 Osakidetza organizations to help provide adequate care.Objective: To analyze the impact of the implementation of the Good Practice Guide for the care and maintenance of vascular access in the BPSO organizations of the Euskadi Regional Host.Methodology: Retrospective cohort follow-up study. We analyzed variables such as number of devices used, % of complications. The cut-off points were: 3 months pre-implantation and 6, 12 and 48 months post-implantation. Descriptive analysis and Chi-square comparison were performed.Results: 7,074 patients and 12,363 devices were evaluated, being the short peripheral catheter the most frequent. The use of alternative catheters increased over time showing significant differences in the period 3 months pre-implantation with 48 months post-implantation.DiscussionThe results obtained after implantation of the vascular access guidewire highlight the impact on the use of alternative catheters and their early withdrawal. Further work needs to be done to decrease complications and peripheral venous catheter phlebitis rates.Conclusions:Implementation of the RNAO best practice guideline for vascular access care improves outcomes in the use of alternative catheters or decrease in peripheral venous catheter days. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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