The phenotypic and genetic spectrum of patients with heterozygous mutations in cyclin M2 (CNNM2)

  1. Franken, G.A.C.
  2. Müller, D.
  3. Mignot, C.
  4. Keren, B.
  5. Lévy, J.
  6. Tabet, A.-C.
  7. Germanaud, D.
  8. Tejada, M.-I.
  9. Kroes, H.Y.
  10. Nievelstein, R.A.J.
  11. Brimble, E.
  12. Ruzhnikov, M.
  13. Claverie-Martin, F.
  14. Szczepańska, M.
  15. Ćuk, M.
  16. Latta, F.
  17. Konrad, M.
  18. Martínez-Cruz, L.A.
  19. Bindels, R.J.M.
  20. Hoenderop, J.G.J.
  21. Schlingmann, K.-P.
  22. de Baaij, J.H.F.
Human Mutation

ISSN: 1098-1004 1059-7794

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 42

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 473-486

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1002/HUMU.24182 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor