Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec JOANA ACHA MORCILLO (7)


  1. Family Context and ADHD Symptoms in Middle Childhood: an Explanatory Model

    Journal of Child and Family Studies, Vol. 31, Núm. 3, pp. 854-865


  1. Bebés y pantallas digitales: una propuesta educativa audiovisual desde la parentalidad positiva

    Educación social: Revista de intervención socioeducativa, Núm. 77, pp. 187-201

  2. Family context assessment to promote language and reading abilities in 6-year-old children

    Education Sciences, Vol. 11, Núm. 1, pp. 1-13

  3. Nadons i pantalles digitals: una proposta educativa audiovisual des de la parentalitat positiva

    Educació social: Revista d'intervenció sòcioeducativa, Núm. 77, pp. 187-201

  4. The dynamic interaction between memory and linguistic knowledge in children’s language development: The role of sentence recall

    International Journal of Behavioral Development, Vol. 45, Núm. 5, pp. 418-428


  1. Cognitive development and the education of young children

    Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children (Taylor and Francis), pp. 19-31