Comunicación entre atención primaria y atención hospitalaria: la perspectiva de los profesionales de enfermería

  1. Estíbaliz Cristóbal Domínguez
  2. David Miguel Martín
  3. Estíbaliz Amaro Martín
  4. Carmen Blanco Nuñez
  5. Yolanda Gracia García
  6. Nuria de Ríos
  7. Verónica Tíscar González
  8. Nerea Gutiérrez
NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

ISSN: 1697-218X

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakia: 76

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería


Objectives. To know what community nurses and hospital nurses understand by communication between primary and hospital care. We aim at exploring how important communication process is for nurses in order to foster care continuity, which is the information nurses consider vital to transmit and which are the barriers and strengths that may influence communication process. Methodology. The study has an exploratory character so a qualitative methodology based on social constructivism is used. This paradigm aims at learning the subjective meanings given to a particular phenomenon by people. The present study explores the meaning that community and hospital nurses as a group construct and give to communication process in order to provide integrated care and continuity of care. Nurses from Araba University Hospital, “Comarca Araba”, Basurto University Hospital, “Comarca Bilbao” and OSI Bajo Deba will take part in this project. They will be selected using a theoretical sampling method and focus groups will be carried out in order to gather the relevant information until data saturation. Transcripts analysis will be done by using Grounded Theory. Meaning unities will be categorized and explained by graphic diagrams. In order to get more rigorous conclusions, the information will be triangulated as follows: investigator-investigator, investigator-informant and moderator-observer.