Aldizkako barauaren efektuak obesitatean eta 2 motako diabetesean

  1. Diez, Maialen 1
  2. Vázquez-Polo, Maialen 1
  3. Matias, Silvia 1
  4. Perez-Junkera, Gesala 1
  5. Cantero, Leire 1
  6. Lasa, Arrate 1
  7. Navarro, Virginia 1
  8. Larretxi, Idoia 1
  9. Txurruka, Itziar 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Lejona, España


Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria

ISSN: 0214-9001

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 44

Pages: 27-40

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1387/EKAIA.23620 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria

Sustainable development goals


Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that switches the daily food intake between the consumption period and fasting period. This dietary strategy is widely used on the view that it might have beneficial effects. This way, the effects it can have to combat obesity and diabetes are being investigated. In this work, a systematic review on this topic has been done.   In the mentioned diseases, it does have desirable effects as it affects in some parameters such as body composition, fat mass, plasma lipids, blood glucose concentration and/or insulin response. But these effects have been produced by the reduction of energy itself, as the effects produced by caloric reduction maintenance are similar.   There is not enough scientific evidence at the moment, as the studies published in the literature do not address diet quality, and it may have more obvious effects on disease, whatever the calorie restriction or fasting time. Moreover, there is little mention of the side effects that can occur when following this strategy. However, practitioners should monitor these effects closely.